Customer finance
- Financing Possibilities for Hull Vane®
- Buyer Credit Insurance Policy
- Insured’s Own Risk
Financing Possibilities for Hull Vane®!
The standard T- and U-shaped Hull Vane® designs are acknowledged as sustainable solutions for the marine industry by the Dutch authorities, since 2023. Both series are recognised for their positive environmental impact when applied on vessels, by reducing fuel consumption and carbon emissions.
As a result of this recognition, the purchase of a Hull Vane® solution now qualifies for financing supported by the Dutch Government. Atradius Dutch State Business will facilitate and accelerate export transactions.
Buyer Credit Insurance Policy
Atradius DSB insures 85% of the total purchase value. Based on this insurance, OHV Asset Management will issue a grant. The scheme is Government-backed with a credit loan against market conforms conditions for a fixed period from 2-5 years.

Insured’s Own Risk
A guarantee is not necessary from either yourself or your bank; therefore, the solution will have no impact on your daily company operations. Based upon the pre-calculated annual savings from Hull Vane®, an overall positive cash flow will be generated from the first year of application, in most of the cases.
To facilitate this process, Atradius BSD will require an UBO application of the buyer and annual accounts of the buyers company over the recent years. Hull Vane will guide this process.
Case Studies for Financing a Hull Vane®
OPV / CTV / Fast Ferry
- Length: 45 – 55 m
- Max Power: 4600 kW
- Time at cruise speed: 3000 hours
- Fuel costs: 600 € /ton
- Financing period: 3 years
- ETS region: No

Net saving in Euro in first 5 years €450.000. This includes the costs of finance.

RoRo / Ferry / Passenger ship
- Length: 110 – 130 meters
- Max Power: 8700 kW
- Cruise speed power: 7395 kW
- Time at cruise speed: 3000 hours
- Fuel costs: 600 € /ton
- Financing period: 3 years
- ETS region: Yes

Net saving in Euro in first 5 years € 1.390.000. This includes the costs of finance.

Interested in receiving a custom proposal on financing a Hull Vane®?
Please download the form (pdf) and send the completed form to
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.